Business Models

Business Model

With commitment and dedication, Dot Com Infoway’s resourceful teams provide ingenious, end-to-end IT solutions to clients. Understanding our customers’ requirements, we pilot their vision, architect their dreams and bring success to their business ventures. Our Business Model caters to the needs and financial limitations of the SMB sector (Small and Medium Business).

Well-defined and flexible, our Business Model is a result of our deep industry intelligence and vast experience. Adhering to industry standards, our business model facilitates enterprises to get the best-of-breed solutions at affordable prices and top-notch quality.

We offer clients two types of Business Models – Project Based Model and Dedicated Team Model.

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Dynamism and dedication have always been Dot Com Infoway’s way of approaching work. With a proactive, cheerful and enthusiastic team, Dot Com Infoway strives to meet all the requirements of its clients. Fully geared to face the challenges of the IT industry, the team at Dot Com Infoway ensures fullest commitment to meeting your requirements to the last detail. It accentuates the Company’s endeavor towards creating qualitative and innovative solutions.

Die-hard workaholics, we are an exuberant team of high-tech IT professionals. Qualified, experienced and professional, our team is formed of people from diverse educational backgrounds and cultures. Every member of our team brings with him or her loads of experience and a surplus wealth of knowledge. Updated with the latest trends and technologies in the industry, every member goes the extra mile to produce superior quality products and solutions.

Project Based Pricing Model or Fixed Value Model:

Under this model, we will give you a fixed price quote for your project after analyzing the detailed project specifications provided by you. Prior to the commencement of the project both requirements and the quote will be frozen. Any revisions to the original specification will incur additional cost at the rate of agreed hourly cost prior to the commencement of the project. This model is helpful when you have well defined project specifications that are not likely to change during the course of the development of the project. Here we employ milestone based payment schedule that would require an initial payment that varies from 30% to 50% of the total cost of the project depending on the value of the project.

Passionate about what we do, we labor to satisfy our Clients to the fullest extent possible. Customer–centric, we attach importance to the level of devotion towards Client-partnerships. We harness all our efforts to build strong and long-standing relationships with our customers. Through sincere application of talent, commitment and hard work, we strive to provide our customers our best. Indeed, we always live up to our motto – “We are customers first”.

Dot Com Infoway’s offshore development teams work on your dream projects at affordable costs.

Dedicated Resource Model or Offshore Staffing Model – Resource based monthly payment Model:

Under this model, you will be able to hire our resources on a monthly basis. This model is helpful when you have multiple and/or long term projects. This model will be ideal for projects whose timeframe exceeds 3 months and more.

Some of the advantages of this model:

Captive Centers continue to be the key option of premier organizations to meet their sourcing needs. Multinational corporations leverage the offshore advantage of countries like India and China by setting up Captive Centers in these countries and pooling in resources to work for them.

Captive Centers are offshore subsidiaries set up by global corporations to work for the parent company. Dependent on the parent company for business and functioning, Captive Centers render cost-effective and time-effective services to the parent. They are indeed the true extensions of the onshore teams of the parent companies.

Why Captive Centers?

Captive Centers are cost effective; ensure proper control of offshore processes, resources, costs and technologies; allow Parent company to enjoy full intellectual rights and onshore buy-ins.

Who should set up Captives?

Global corporations that have long-term and larger resource requirements; companies that require intellectual property protection and need strong delivery processes can set up captive centers. Captives would be highly beneficial for organizations with a strong brand presence and larger market share.

How can we help you?

Dot Com Infoway can help companies set up Captive Centers in India. We can resource-pool professionals and assist you in meeting your sourcing needs. We are open to custom Captives that can benefit the parent company and help it grow and expand its bounds both on a vertical and lateral scale. Our Captive Center policies are flexible and tailor-made to suit clients’ needs. Contact us to know in detail about our Captives.

Dot Com Infoway participates with independent software vendor clients in co-developing products within required business verticals, time-to-market periods and expenditures.

We create high-tech, offshore virtual development teams to collaborate with clients and develop products with expected usability, scalability, security and quality specifications. Our Product Co-development services include everything from design and development to testing, de-bugging, product implementation, product roll outs and support.

Dot Com Infoway’s exclusive ecosystem of project managers and developers work together with clients’ onsite teams to ensure seamless communication, real-time product tracking and hands-on development management. Our teams can adapt to any time zone and can manage SDLC from start to end.

We engage in co-developing both complete products and modules of large products. Our offshore teams coordinate with onsite teams to first construct Product Roadmaps and then do swift prototyping to help clients create business case for products.

Our Product Co-development offerings include:

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