JOHN BOSCO – Case Study Mobile Application Development

JOHN BOSCO – Case Study Mobile Application Development

About the application

JOHN BOSCO is an app developed to help the students and the community to know more information about Church ministries. ASJB (ASSOCIATES OF SAINT JOHN BOSCO) has come up with an idea to develop a mobile application (iOS and Android) and web portal to facilitate the engagement of the college students improving their faith and education. The client would like the students to have an opportunity to search Campus Ministries, find more information about the ministries, add new Ministries, Read the Bible every day, etc.

  • College students to register on the application
  • Search for Campus Ministries
  • Raise questions about the Campus Ministries
  • Understand and find more information about the Ministries
  • Add new Ministries
  • Look for Ministries on Map

About ASJB

ASJB (ASSOCIATES OF SAINT JOHN BOSCO) is an organization that helps college students to connect their faith to their education. ASJB values a deeper knowledge of the Catholic faith, a commitment to grow in the faith throughout an educational career, and expanding the desire to know and love the faith by dedicated involvement in the Church and by serving others.
  • Provide elegant and professional design, as this will be used by the students who wish to know about the Church and the Church ministries.
  • Easy and quick registration process.
  • Easy Feed view, options to share feed, and add a new Feed.
  • Integrating Feeds from Facebook.
  • Options to view information on Church Ministries and add new Church ministries.
  • Forum page to Post Queries and view Queries posted by other users.



  • Simple, creating a good experience with the cheerful design yet useful and easy to navigate, customer needs to how to understand that technology can help them know more about Church ministries, keep the students engaged and provide valuable thoughts towards faith and education.

Data Management:

  • Managing the data of the Church Ministries.
  • Validating and approval of the New Church ministries added by the Students.
  • Allow the Students to view and get notifications on feeds only on the Church ministries where they are a member.
  • Restrict access to Feeds and Forums of which the Students are a member.
  • Get a notification on Feeds and Forums.

Proposed Solution

Phase 1:

DCI understood that the Mobile application proposed is a complicated and unique app which has to be a platform that will improve the Students’ knowledge towards faith and education on Church ministries.

  • DCI planned to proceed the development into 2 phases
  • Requirement gathering/Elicitation.
  • Wireframing and Prototype.
  • ER diagram

As planned, DCI provided the Wireframe as per the functionality of the mobile application discussed which was when approved by the client, we started working on the Functional Prototype. This made it quite simple for the design team to provide a professional design as expected by the client.

Phase 2:

  • Development
  • Testing
  • UAT
  • Deploying the mobile app to play store and apple store
  • On approval of the Functional Prototype by the client, DCI started building the Database
  • Integrating the Prototype into a functional mobile application
  • DCI run, unit test on all stages to ensure that the bugs are minimal on the testing phase.

To ensure mobile app performance, DCI hosted all the images and videos in a cloud server and whenever the request is triggered to play the video the details are fetched from the cloud server. This to ensure the app performance and DB performance.


The client is happy and proud to join hands with DCI in developing a mobile application which has improved the students’ knowledge towards the Church Ministries keeping them engaged towards faith through feeds and forums. This has also helped in increasing the user registration count towards each Church Ministries.

Client Says

I’m happy that the product I envisioned is now a reality, and Dot Com Infoway were able to make that happen. The team thoroughly understood our ideal solution and delivered a product accordingly. However, they delivered high-quality results at a good value, and the specialists always responded well to feedback”.
Associates of St. John Bosco.”

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