London, United Kingdom Magzter, the new sensation in the digital publishing industry, has made its mark in U.K.’s prestigious publishing event, the Publishing Expo.
Magzter is one of the most awaited projects from DCI Mobile Studios, an internal division of Dot Com Infoway. This new sophisticated platform lets publishers explore unimaginable opportunities in the digital publishing business. As a global app, Magzter has been sponsoring and participating in key publishing events across the world, including the recent Publishing Expo 2011 of London.
Publishing Expo is the biggest event in U.K. organized by the United Business Media. This year, the event took place at Earls Court 2, London on March 1st and 2nd. As an overall event sponsor Magzter dominated the Expo and captured the attraction of hundreds of visitors.
On the first day, Mr. Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan, CTO of Magzter, participated in a discussion regarding iPad and presented a keynote address on – “The Great iPad Business Model Debate”. The keynote was received well by the participants as it came from the right person, who is looking to change the entire scenario of publishing, with a game-changer app like Magzter.
Mr. C. R. Venkatesh, CEO of Magzter rightly pointed out that “the publishing industry is in the phase of transition and Magzter addresses the need of the moment. We hope that publishers would take this chance to allow a metamorphosis from paper to touch”. Mr. Girish Ramdas, President of Magzter said, “We are one of the top app developers and also a leading publisher. We know the needs of the industry and have the technology to address it. And Magzter, is the apex of digital publishing.”
As an exhibitor, DCI Mobile Studios presented Magzter at stand #C37, where the top management team and marketing team explained the key features of the app to visitors. The demo attracted immediate sign-ups from many publishers. Almost all the visitors to the stall were enthusiastic about the all new ”Magzter reading experience”. On the whole, the Magzter team enjoyed a more than expected reception. A gist of the key features of the app as presented by the Magzter team to the visitors:
Key features of Magzter
For Readers
- My Shelf (customizable shelf view)
- Push notification on new issue availability
- Instant availability
- Magazine pages available in thumbnail-view
- Pinch-zoom for small text
- In-app purchase for easy buying
- Buy single issues or subscribe
- Facebook login access
- New, modern way to go hi-tech
- Digital interactive content like video/ audio
- Preview before purchase
- Magazine Archive
For Publishers
- Computerized subscription management
- Automated sales reports
- Instant distribution at almost ZERO cost
- Tremendous revenue potential
- Sky-rocketing subscriptions
- Worldwide readership
- Magazine promotion options
- No technical knowledge needed
- ZERO maintenance
- One time publish for all mobile platforms
- ZERO time to market
- Digital magazines help you “Go Green”
- Addresses the needs of Next-Gen Market
Today the publishing industry is facing many challenges, which include the rise in printing cost, decline in sales, distribution problems, improper handling of subscription, sales reporting issues, circulation in limited geographies etc.. According to experts digital publishing is the key for success. Galatta Cinema, an iPhone magazine app, launched by DCI Mobile Studios, now enjoys 100 downloads daily. With the iPad version, it attracts 250 downloads. Now it has thousands of readers in the digital platform.
Readers are changing fast. Now is the time for the industry to catch up with the readers and respond. Magzter is the right opportunity for publishers for a successful transformation that fits the digital era.
Within few weeks, Magzter will be available for iPad users and will soon be rolled out for other mobile device platforms such as the iPhone, Android, Symbian (Nokia/Sony Ericsson), BlackBerry and BADA. But the pre-launch registration for publishers has been going on from January 2011.
About Dot Com Infoway/DCI Mobile Studios:
Dot Com Infoway (DCI) is a CMMI Level 3 company and a global leader in custom software development and mobile application development with offices in India, the United States and Netherlands. An ISO 9001:2000 certified, multi-disciplined professional Information Technology service company, DCI is a Microsoft Gold Partner and a proud member of the prestigious NASSCOM and STPI. DCI Mobile Studios, the mobile division of Dot Com Infoway, has been consistently listed among the top 5 mobile app development companies in India and prides itself on the development of many successful apps, such as the IPL T20, WT20, Galatta Cinema and VTV songs. DCI serves customers on most mobile platforms, from the iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry and Symbian to the Samsung Galaxy Tablet and the BlackBerry PlayBook.
Media Contact:
Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan
Chief Technology Officer