Google Changes Search Algorithms to Focus on Newer Results

Google Changes Search Algorithms to Focus on Newer Results


Google has made one of the biggest tweaks to its algorithm for making the search results timelier.

This tweaked algorithm shows the most recent results from regularly occurring events and boosts the topics that are updated frequently such as gadgets and product reviews. However, all the searches won’t be ranked according to freshness. For evergreen searches like ‘Recipes’, Google would show the best results no matter when they were posted.

Google-algorithm-change“This algorithmic improvement is designed to better understand how to differentiate between these kinds of searches and the level of freshness you need,” wrote Google fellow Amit Singhal. “Depending on the search terms, the algorithm needs to be able to figure out if a result from a week ago about a TV show is recent, or if a result from a week ago about breaking news is too old.”

The search giant believes that this move would impact roughly 35 percent of searches.

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