5 Quick Google Adwords Tips That Your Boss Would Love

5 Quick Google Adwords Tips That Your Boss Would Love


Are you in the level of beginner or an intermediate or a professional to Google Adwords?  If so then you need to know what should be the top and basic tips to drive your adwords campaign successfully. If you are not aware of these tips you could end up losing money instead of gaining money. Here is the top 5 lists to start your Adwords campaign without any hiccups.

1) Systematic approach to campaign management:

Manage your campaign with theme based Adgroups and keywords. Keep following a common format in naming campaigns and adgroups. Its better to have 20 to 30 keywords with all the possible variations. My personal advice is to go with exact match keywords instead of broad match. With expanded matching it becomes even harder to know when your keywords will show, because Google will pick them algorithmically.

2) Have a Focused and themed adtext

Creating an adtext is very simple and everyone can do it but getting them ranked for top positions is quite difficult. For an adcopy to get better CTR and Conversions, have the theme in adtitle, description and display URL.


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3) Test different creatives and positions

Test your creative in each position and find out where it will be most powerful from an Return on Investment(ROI) point of view. Create 4 or 5 different ads and make them to run evenly.

4) Use Negative Keywords

Negative keywords can reduce the unwanted traffic by not allowing your ads to be shown for irrelevant search. For eg; a person who sells valentines day gifts in New York could specify “history” as a negative keyword so that their ads do display for searches upon “New York valentines day gifts” but not “New York valentines day history”.

5) Think smart and act wise

As per Google Adwords policy, certain things are not advisable in SEM methodology. Superlatives usage, ‘ALL CAPITAL LETTERS’ and more will cause disapproval of your ads. Analyze and monitor your competitors and their landing page, find out their pros and cons which would really help you to evaluate your Search engine marketing strategy.

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