7 Tips to Write a Selling App Store Description

7 Tips to Write a Selling App Store Description


An app’s description is basically its selling pitch. This means you can write it to resemble an ad copy or even your everyday website text. To drive more downloads you must make sure that the description is clear and very appealing to the targeted audience. What helps your app stand out is the icon and the name, but the description does all the hard sales legwork by provoking curiosity and ultimately getting users to buy or download the app.

App Store Description - Mobile Apps Marketing

Let’s take a look at seven tips you should follow when writing your app description to help it sell more.

Don’t dip your work in huge content. Quality matters not the quantity!

Even though in Google Play, the app description content will affect the ASO (app store optimization) optimizing it for all the relevant keywords should be important but not the only priority. The quality of the content should be first and foremost. Besides, in iOS, the description wouldn’t have an effect on ASO. You should therefore concentrate on selling your intended clients rather than search engines.

Show your best writing skills in the initial paragraph with marketing appeal.

We all know online users have a fickle concentration span. If your opening paragraph is not catchy and to the point, chances are they will veer off your page denying your app the much needed downloads.

Convey what the app does and how it works in initial lines.

This goes to support the previous point. You need to let the audience know exactly what the app does in the initial lines of your description. You can go into detail later on, but first make sure you have their attention.

Mention the Reviews from popular websites within! Oh, yes that means a lot.

Recent studies have shown that people pay attention to reviews more now. Even more than they pay attention to friends and family referrals. Mentioning positive reviews from most trusted websites will give your app the much needed edge over the less revered competition.

Appealing concluding lines should drive interest.

Your concluding lines should be your home run. This should just be as appealing as your opening line, only here you are leaving them with no choice but to download the app. It should summarize all the pleasurable benefits they will get from downloading and using the app.

Go social! Include links to your profiles.

Social Media is one of the easiest ways to make your app viral. Including the links to your profiles and app download page will help drive this traffic to where it profits you the most.

What’s new section is vital.

Last but not least, the ‘what’s new’ section. What is it that your app offers above and beyond for the already existing users. Show them that you read their reviews and have taken their suggestions seriously and ironed out all the kinks. This section would induce the users to download the app, which can improve your app’s ranking the app stores.

A great description that is easy to understand will most definitely drive your clients to the ‘download app’ button.

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