Google Translate Is Available in Five More Indian Languages

Google Translate Is Available in Five More Indian Languages


Search giant Google has added five more Indian languages, including Tamil, to its Google Translate service.

On June 21, Google announced that Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada and Telugu have been added to Google Translate. More than 500 million people speak these five languages. This move has raised the number of Google Translate supported languages to 63. Google Translate has already been supporting Hindi, India’s national language, from 2008.

Google Translate Screenshot
As Google describes its efforts, adding support for these “Indic languages” was quite a challenge for the search giant, as they are very different from English. This service is available on an experimental alpha stage, so user could get, “many more untranslated words” while using it. Google has promised to improve the service over time.

Users don’t have an Indian language keyboard could get a transliteration keyboard in the Google Translate interface. They can also point out errors and suggest improvements. According to us, this new service really needs some fine tuning as most of the translated sentences really look awkward.

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