Guide to Pre and Post Launch Mobile App Marketing Pitfalls to Avoid

Guide to Pre and Post Launch Mobile App Marketing Pitfalls to Avoid


No one develops an app expecting it to fail. However, few developers recognize the ongoing efforts and strategies necessary for its success. An app is a venture that must be cared for from inception and beyond. Its survival depends on the developer’s ability to move with the times and tap into the user base. Updates and tweaks should be an ongoing process. However, the true key is knowing where to focus your efforts, both before and after the launch of an app. Developers must continue to hone their app marketing strategy to keep their apps both visible and in tune with users.

Mobile App Marketing Pitfalls to Avoid

Pre-Launch App Marketing Pitfalls to Avoid:

What we do before the launch of an app is just as important, if not more important, than what we do after it’s been launched. As a result, there are a number of areas that should receive attention before your app hits the market which is possible by doing app pre launch activities. Neglecting these areas of app development can negatively impact the success of your app.

  • A Lack of Adequate Market Research

Your app doesn’t exist in a vacuum. You will be competing with other apps. As a result, market research becomes essential if you want to understand what the competition is doing and how this audience is responding to a particular app. Pay attention to app names, which keywords are ranking high, and which categories are being targeted. It behooves the mobile app developers to conduct a thorough analysis to glean how your app will stack up against the competition. This requires a willingness to put your app and the competitions under a microscope.

  • Omitting the Beta Testing Phase

It’s no secret that your team will more than likely respond favorably to your app, however, they don’t necessarily represent your target audience. It’s important that you have access to unbiased reactions and responses to your app. This is why beta-testing is so important. Beta-testing is a step that shouldn’t be skipped before the launch of an app. This testing has the ability to reveal unanticipated information allowing you to make tweaks and changes before launching the app. Zero in on your target customers and develop an action plan to reach and recruit them as beta-testers. Platforms like Test Flight can help.

  • Failure to Plan the App Release Date in Advance

Plan a release date early enough to give your app enough press coverage. Every step you take to create positive exposure for your app is vital. Make sure that the release date does not coincide with any other big tech announcements. You don’t need to share the spotlight.

  • Failure to Develop an Effective Marketing Plan

Involve the marketing team early enough in the development process for them to truly understand your app. This will help them to develop an effective mobile app marketing plan for your app to go to market. The marketing needs to fully understand all the features and benefits of the app to market it well.

Develop a Checklist:

  • Find out what makes your app unique.
  • Every app gets 100 characters in the keywords section. Choose your keywords carefully.
  • Choose your app name based on common search terms or a copyrighted branded name.
  • Your app should clearly convey its features and benefits in the first 2-3 lines.

Post-Launch App Marketing Pitfalls to Avoid:

Your job doesn’t end once your app is launched. There are plenty of things that must be done in order to keep it performing and tweak it. In fact, there are several metrics that should be an ongoing focal area. If you launch your app and neglect or abandon it, it won’t be long until it fails. This is why there are key areas that shouldn’t be ignored.

  • Ignoring User Engagement and User Retention

It’s ok if a paid acquisition is a part of your marketing strategy but it shouldn’t be your sole strategy. You should also focus heavily on user engagement by monitoring how effective and convenient the UX experience is, as well as the how many customers you can retain. This is the bread and butter of your app’s success. You need to ensure that users are stimulated enough by your app to download and to continue to use it. This comes from improving the experience as much as possible.

  • Tracking too Many Metrics or Too Few Metrics

There’s no doubt that an app that brings in money is a successful one. That is the goal. However, it shouldn’t be the only goal. You should also be concerned about your ability to sustain the success of your app. This takes focusing on the metric that is drawing people as well as the ones that aren’t engaging your users. This is the background work that you should do to keep your app performing at an optimal level.  Focusing on the right metrics will also provide insight into which areas need to be tweaked and upgraded.

  • Failure to See the Opportunity for Marketing in Your Apps Update Description

Any time you get a chance to write about your app is a golden opportunity for marketing. The apps update description is no exception. Make sure that you’re utilizing every opportunity to market your app to the best of your abilities.

  • Neglecting Customer Support, Abusing Push Notifications, and Sending Generic Emails

Your app must be continuously cultivated in all areas, particularly when it comes to your customers. Make sure that you’re following up when it comes to customer issues with your app. A lack of a response to customers is neglect. Even your emails should put the customer first. Personalize them. Don’t send generic, one-size fits all emails. They will not be as effective. You should also exercise caution when using push notifications. Don’t overdo it. They can be annoying and impact your app negatively. If customers are irritated enough they might uninstall your app.

  • Create Incentives to Get Users to Actively Engage on Social Media

Make it appealing for customers to respond and engage on social media. Stay involved provide incentives. Test different incentives to see which ones create the most draw.

It’s safe to say that app developers want their apps to be successful and have a certain amount of longevity. However, this doesn’t happen without strategic planning and focus. Do the work, both before and after the launch of your app to ensure its success. Focusing on key metrics and putting certain actions into play on a consistent basis is a necessity for the success and longevity of your app.

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