India’s first Flash Camp at Chennai

India’s first Flash Camp at Chennai


The Society for Rich Internet Application and Rich User Interface conducted India’s first Flash Camp at Chennai on December 11, 2010. With 350 participants, 27 volunteers and 10 speakers, it was said to be the biggest Flash Camp in the world. Apart from students, over 200 professionals attended this camp. Only half of the attendees were from Flash/Flex background, whereas others were Java programmers. This clearly indicates that part of the Java developers are migrating towards Flex environment, which is making its mark in Web and Mobile Application Development.

In addition to the Adobe faculty, speakers from various user groups and businesses took part . This camp provided opportunity for attendees to know about the local Adobe community and introduced them to local user groups. Through this camp, developers gathered technical information about code samples and apps, that were built using Adobe Flash products.


Adobe Evangelists showed their demo on the following topics in the event:

  • Building Mobile applications for Android using Flash Builder Burrito and Flex SDK Hero
  • P2P with Flash Player 10.1 (messaging, file transfer, video streaming etc. without external server)
  • Developing apps for Blackberry Tablet OS using AS3 and Short
  • What’s new in AIR 2.5? (AIR for desktop, mobile, tablets, TV, etc.)
  • An introduction about “Intel AppUp developer program for Adobe AIR developers”
  • Social Networking Apps in Flex – Using Clientside ORM

As a non-profit organization, Society for RIA and RUI is involved in conducting camps to promote knowledge in the field of RIA and RUI. This recent Flash camp throws light on changing trends in Flash and Flex development across multiple platforms and devices.

Dot Com Infoway engages in Flash and Flex Application Development Services. To get a free quote for these services, contact us.

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