What is Laravel Framework and Why it is Outranking CodeIgniter?

What is Laravel Framework and Why it is Outranking CodeIgniter?


Laravel Framework

Known by many as “the typical web artisan’s best all-around PHP framework“, Laravel delivers quality on many levels:

  • In essence, this top-notch of web development frameworks & this form is truly elegant in its style.
  • It’s also quite expressive in its syntax offerings altogether.
  • Ultimately, this free, open-source framework primarily allows quite a solid development for any web app.
  • It was created by none other than Taylor Otwell.
  • It’s now in its 5.5 version.


Codeigniter, a worthy adversary and competitor, can also hold its own in many unique respects:

  • This rapid development framework is likewise an open-source type.
  • It offers fast, efficient PHP web application as well.
  • It’s made for the most dynamic sites and their framework, respectively.
  • In fact, even reputable industry sources and sites, such as Lynda’s, have given it tribute – pointing out its every benefit and use.
  • CodeIgniter first came about as a creation of Ellis Lab, Inc., in February of 2006.
  • Since then, it has only grown in both popularity and use.

Laravel Vs CodeIgniter

How Laravel Outrank CodeIgniter?

Despite the “close similarities”, Laravel Framework still tends to stand out as the better of the two. No matter what CodeIgniter’s best executives may try to produce, the facts don’t change. Laravel simply takes a higher place in the rankings, and here are the top known reasons for why that is; keep in mind that Laravel offers all the following and many others:

  • Modular packaging that comes with dependency manager based on its composer
  • A top-class autoloader
  • An overly eloquent ORM for Object-Relational Mapping, a modern form of active-record-pattern implementation
  • A query builder that can function as the eloquent ORM’s alternative, used for direct access into your database
  • Database platform support in the forms of MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLServer
  • Unique, RESTFul state control in place of the usual controller methods
  • A blade-templating engine that’s simple but no less flexible
  • More rapid automation than ever before, through a built-in authentication mechanism, incredible routing features, and even quality session control
  • An IO component that can handle requests or responses more effectively than most, even CodeIgniter’s
    Artisan command-d and sample code line interfacing
  • Additional unit testing support
  • Wonderful documentation offered all along the way

Feature Comparison of Laravel & CodeIgniter

First, for many, it’s a no-brainer:

  • Laravel Framework comes with ORM, as briefly mentioned, whereas CodeIgniter lacks in entirety.
  • Both Laravel Framework and CodeIgniter offer Active Record monitoring, tracking and support, so – in this sense – it’s a tie.
  • But guess what? Laravel Framework can offer you the best from its packaged module whereas CodeIgniter does not even come in one.
  • Both frameworks offer and support routing.
  • Laravel Framework is once again on the upside here with an unparalleled advantage: It offers inbuilt user authentication, which makes things safer for all and restricts access to those who are permitted it.

Second, that’s not all. Like with most stunning, top-feature comparisons out there in today’s market, there is so much more. Add the following to the list:

  • Additionally, but on the “flip side” of things, CodeIgniter includes a built-in captcha where Laravel does not.
    Yet Laravel has a superb template engine that CodeIgniter can only dream about.
  • Plus, Laravel offers code generation and – you guessed it – the other does not.
  • Laravel also allows for name spaces. CodeIgniter doesn’t.
  • An in-built CLI support, that is the best in its class, comes with Laravel. Sorry, CodeIgniter, maybe you’ll get ’em next time on this one.
  • Laravel offers log management, and CodeIgniter may not even know what that is, at least not on this level.
  • Laravel comes in a uniquely beautiful coding pattern that you only need to see to truly appreciate. It’s catchy. It’s stunning. It’s marvelous. And these are severe understatements, so check it all out for yourself!

Final Thoughts on the Matter

It’s time to stay ahead of the game. And you can do so by keeping up with the latest trends, even if your industry is web frameworks. There’s nothing like working with the best, and it looks like – for all the reasons listed above and countless others – Laravel Framework remains the better. But, regardless, let’s look at what these benefits, comparisons and features were once more; repetition is key. Perhaps those in view of the facts may become persuaded with a little more retrospection and repetition.

Top Features of Laravel Framework:

  • Modular packaging
  • Dependency manager fully composer-based
  • Superb autoloader
  • Classy ORM
  • Query builder as potential ORM alternative
  • PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server platform support for your database
  • Simplified blade-templating engine
  • Quicker automation than before
  • Built-in authentication mechanisms and caching mechanism
  • Top-grade routing features and options
  • Unmatched quality session control
  • IO capabilities
  • Artisan command-d or sample code line interfacing

Naturally, when making any unbiased comparison, we need to look at all angles involved. Even when we do so, considering CodeIgniter’s solely unique features and benefits, there’s still no doubt Laravel Framework stand above its competitor framework even on its best day. But let’s nonetheless remember a few good things CodeIgniter can offer:

  • CodeIgniter, however, comes with a JS library already included. Laravel didn’t include it this time around. This may not be a bad thing to have.
  • Yet when it comes to HMVC Bonfire support, CodeIgniter certainly has it, and Laravel doesn’t.
  • Yet both frameworks come with community support features for additional user assistance and a better quality experience.
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