Post launch Mobile App Marketing Pitfalls You must Avoid – Part II

Post launch Mobile App Marketing Pitfalls You must Avoid – Part II


It’s no secret that the competition is stiff for your average app. Every app developer knows and understands this truth. This is perhaps why having a marketing plan in place even after the launch of your app is extremely important to its success. No stone should be left unturned or ignored if you want your app to do more than survive, but instead thrive, in a sea of so many other apps. It’s best to be in the know when it comes to the possible pitfalls that any app developer needs to avoid, in order to nurture a successful app. We have already analyzed few pre-launch marketing strategies that marketers should avoid to obtain the best response. Here lets look out how to make a success app by avoiding some important post launch app marketing pitfalls.


Ignoring User Engagement & Retention

Rely on more than paid acquisition to get downloads, if you want your app to have longevity. Instead, it’s a good idea to focus on user engagement and retention. These key points are at the heart of the success of your app. If you neglect these two key factors you will notice a drop-off in downloads. Determine which forms of paid acquisition are most effective for you and use them in conjunction with other marketing strategies. The more you do to give your app visibility through focusing on user engagement and retention, the better.

Neglecting to Provide Incentives to Share and Like

The generic like, share, and tweet options are simply not enough to make your app stand out in a crowd. These options also do little to encourage users to do any of these things. This is why app developers need to work overtime to encourage users to share their experiences with an app to their social media pages. Offering incentives help in this area. For a game app, you might consider unlocking additional game features for users that like your Facebook page. Incentives like these go above the generic like, share and tweet and actually reward users for sharing their experiences with an app. Developers who fail to go that extra mile when it comes to incentives may find that their apps make very little noise in the marketplace.

Ignoring Customer Support

Users need a lot of TLC if you expect them to stick around and keep using your app. This is why it’s a good idea to be incredibly responsive to their needs and queries. Developers that fail to do this can expect the typical uninstalls and drops in downloads as a result. Google Play provides a platform for marketers to respond directly to users, which creates a huge opportunity to get an inside look at how an app is doing in addition to ways an app can be improved to upgrade the user’s experience. Users are able to post difficulties that they may be having with an app and actually receive customer support and answers to their questions.

The success of an app depends heavily on both the pre and post launch marketing strategy. If either of these areas are neglected the app suffers. Any serious app developer has to understand this and continue to provide the right kind of support for their apps to ensure the apps continued success. Anything short of this can compromise the future success and longevity of an app.

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