Three A's of Social Media to Generate Leads
Social Media campaigns have an important role to play in business as they can become a source of quality business leads when done in the right way. The below three A’s help us understand how we can easily generate quality leads via the Social Media to the targeted / niche business:
- Attention
- Activity
- Advancement
Attention: Make sure that you as a company have awareness on the available Social Media resources and make maximum use of them. Special and serious attention to Social Media is required if you need to achieve brand equity on the web.
- You can create a company profile in Linkedin , tell your employees to join the group and make it a strong business network base for your organization.
- Set up a slideshare profile and share all docs that are informative to others and relevant to your company within the space and link it to LinkedIn/other social sites.
- Set up a Twitter Profile and a Facebook Profile for your company.
- Set up a Company Blog.
- Set up a YouTube channel if appropriate
- Regulate your email signature with new content (not only Search Engines, even users love fresh content)
- Set up Tradespace profile (if appropriate)
Activity:You can win the Social Media race only when you make it your passion. Because, it takes research, time and involvement to succeed in the online social sphere. To be active on the social sphere, you can
- Post useful, interesting links and news updates via Twitter, Facebook etc.
- Update your blog regularly
- Comment on related blogs with a link back to your site
- Comment in real-time news stories
- Participate in forums and don’t hesitate to ask questions
Advancement: Don’t stick only with basics, but try to push yourself hard to reach the niche.
- Publish Case Studies and White Papers
- Put them in your website and in your YouTube channel as well.
- Link them from Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.
- If you have products, offer demo videos in YouTube, Vimeo etc.
- Add customer feedback / rating to your website and blogs and don’t hesitate to reuse them
- Ask for endorsements from LinkedIn to enhance your corporate image
The above survey proves how Social Media campaigns are an integral part of main marketing campaigns. Sure, no one can oppose that the Social Media has a crucial role to play in your business! So, the next time you tweet or post an update on any of the social networking sites, do it with your company or corporate image in mind.