Highlights from our Webinar: How to Create a Killer Launch Plan for your App

Highlights from our Webinar: How to Create a Killer Launch Plan for your App


Today, thanks to the ever-growing number of apps in the app stores, app developers can no longer rely only on the strengths of their app’s concept. To enable an app to reach its target audience, app developers will need to devise a solid marketing plan. However, with a limited experience on marketing know-hows, developers might find it challenging to achieve their desired goals.

In our webinar, “How to Create a Killer Launch Plan for your App”, we set about to answer just what mobile app developers and marketers need to do to ensure that their app’s launch goes off without a hitch. Covering the strategies for both pre-launch and post-launch activities, our webinar highlighted the following key points:

  • Key statistics pertaining to the current status of Apple’s iOS App Store and Google Play.
  • Key strategies and activities to take care of during the early and pre-launch phase of your app.
  • Post-launch marketing activities
  • PR activities to improve outreach and boost downloads
  • The keys to effective organic mobile optimization
  • Leveraging ASO to improve downloads and boost your revenue.
  • User acquisition channels, and using social media to boost acquisition
  • Viral Marketing and Remarketing to retain and re-engage your users.

The webinar was hosted by the Head of the Mobile Apps Marketing team, Mr. T. M. Raja, on 6th April. We were immensely pleased with the turnout, which included mobile app developers, entrepreneurs and marketers from around the globe.

If you missed the webinar, here’s a SlideShare of the presentation:

Watch the Webinar recording on Youtube:


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