DCI’s Introduction of Influencer Marketing Services to Improve Your Brand’s Visibility

DCI’s Introduction of Influencer Marketing Services to Improve Your Brand’s Visibility


Influencer marketing has taken over the world by storm. With increasing Internet penetration and social media evolving as the voice of the consumers, brands are identifying individuals with large followings on these social media platforms to be their spokespersons. To help businesses leverage the benefits of influencer marketing for their brand, Dot Com Infoway, a leading digital marketing company, has launched a dedicated influencer marketing service recently.

Do you know that recent research has pointed out that influencer marketing is driving more than 10 times revenue as compared to digital advertising?

Influencer marketing has turned conventional marketing on its head with brands looking for ambassadors in everyday customers instead of celebrities. An influencer for a brand, ideally, would be someone with not only a large following but also with deep knowledge in the niche.

How does influencer marketing work?

Once you identify individuals with large followings, relevant knowledge and the right brand affinity in your target audience, you know you are one step away from building implicit trust in your brand by having the influencer relay messages about your brand across their personal networks. It is no surprise that user-to-user conversations build more trust than brand to user marketing.

Another significant advantage of influencer marketing, apart from being an affordable means to reach out to your target audience, is the fact that it improves your SEO efforts in the long term. More the people talk about your business or brand on social media; the more popular will your brand be across search engines.

Influencer marketing trends 2020 is on the rise. Most brands are not only increasing their marketing spend considerably over the years, they are allocating more budget for influencer marketing, considering its wider reach and impact.

But how do you find the right influencer for your brand?

The brand affinity of an influencer goes a long way in determining the impact of your marketing strategy. In fact, one of the biggest reasons why influencer marketing works is that people’s purchase decisions are often guided by what others say or think about a brand. But choosing the right influencer for your brand and crafting a winning strategy requires expertise that’s where the professional team at DCI steps in.

While businesses often find it difficult to identify the right influencer for their brand, at DCI, we offer end-to- end influencer marketing service helping your brand build professional relations with influencers across the world. Our services are targeted to help you co-brand with influencers and thought leaders across the globe, helping you access new and highly targeted markets affordably and effectively.

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