8 Reasons To Use Twitter List For Branding

8 Reasons To Use Twitter List For Branding


Twitter recently announced the new feature “Twitter List” to its user in public beta. Previously the feature has been opened only for selective people for testing. Surprisingly after the public beta launch, nearly 12 million twitter list has already been created in the web. Twitter list is a great way to organize twits from selected people, discuss and collaborate with them. Despite with all these, how are we going to make use of this great feature announced!


If you are a person, looking to create awareness for your self (Self Branding) or for your company or the product you own, you can quite easily make use of it when you follow certain tips and tricks.

Follow Basic Twitter Etiquette: Following etiquette is the single most success formula in every work you would involve. Listed below are the basic twitter etiquettes associated with twitter list.


    1. Follow the List: Don’t forget to follow the list first. This helps you join the conversation with all and find if any comments made on you / your company / your product. This helps you monitor your reputation in twitter with ease.


    1. Follow the List Creator: In case you have not followed the list creator, please do follow as a token of regards. This helps you bridge relationship with people in your niche as the list creator will surely be interested in your niche.


    1. Thank You Note: When you find a twitter list that includes you, make sure you send a warm thank you message to the list creator.


Twitter List Tips & Tricks: Next step would be building a brand awareness through twitter list. Here we provided few ideas through which we can certainly accomplish the same.


    1. Geo Based List:If your company offers service in a city or state based (Geo) group them accordingly and this helps you and your followers keep track of what’s happening across your organization. This saves time and search for latest news regarding your organization.


    1. Endorsement List: It’s not a written social media rule that you should only get endorsements (recommendations) through Linkedin from clients. You can also use Twitter List for the same purpose. Create a separate Twitter List (Client-Recommendations) which show cases only client testimonials. Make sure your clients are informed on this prior.


    1. Company / Employee List: Group all the employees twit on behalf of your company or employees those who have a habit of tweeting. This will help you monitor the entire tweets from one single window and populate all tweets effortlessly.


    1. Recommend Others: You can run a twitter list which can be used to applause the most valuable customer of the week / most valuable employee of the week etc. This makes them feel special and I can assure they would be the source of “Word Of Mouth Marketing”


    1. Deal / Discount List: If you run an e-commerce website you can create a twitter list which deals with contest / promo code / discount coupon code. This will surely shoot up your sales if you are good enough in making the list popular.


I am pretty excited about this twitter list and what do you think about this? – Do you have any other creative ideas that can be incorporated with twitter lists? Please share in the comments!

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