An Ultimate Guide To Get Started with Marketing Automation

An Ultimate Guide To Get Started with Marketing Automation


We’ve been hearing about the many wonders of automation lately, mainly how it’s a game-changing tool for numerous industries. Well, long story short, Marketing Automation is no different in how it makes life significantly easier for business owners. The countless success stories reveal as much.

This post tackles how digital marketing automation and its sub-disciplines such as content automation, email automation, campaign automation, personalized automation, etc. can deliver massive improvements to your campaigns.

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Marketing Automation Defined

Marketing Automation connotes using software specifically designed to help perform regular marketing tasks such as emailing leads, sharing social media posts, updating business profiles, etc. with no manual effort involved. 

Depending on the marketing automation services they can also help improve lead management, organize workflow, customize available templates, and focus on social marketing, and personalization.

Notable success stories tied to Marketing Automation include:

  • Charles Schwab increased its user engagement by a whopping 500% and productivity by 900% after leveraging on Marketo. 
  • Lifesize increased its global users up to more than 200% after they started using Marketo’s new sales model, which included marketing automation. 
  • A startup called PushPress grew its clients to 1,000 with over $1M ARR with the help of HubSpot. 
  • Telefonica became 30% more efficient with its campaign deliveries thanks to

The Right Time to Invest in Marketing Automation

Just because Marketing Automation can impart plenty of advantages that are nothing short of revolutionary doesn’t mean that you should start using it at any point in your company’s life. Timing counts a lot. At best, if your brand needs the following breakthroughs, then it may be high time to partner with a marketing automation agency:

  • Scalable lead generation
  • Get Quality Leads
  • Multichannel presence
  • Seamless lead conversion
  • Better customer privacy
  • Easy collaboration between sales and marketing teams
  • Better data acquisition

As you can see, an optimized marketing automation system ticks plenty of fundamental checkboxes in Digital Marketing. Most of this can be attributed to the fact that marketing automation companies often design an all-in-one marketing platform to deliver their solutions.

Marketing Automation Helps Companies in These Key Areas

Behavioral Tracking

Every serious marketer aims to consistently know more about his or her target audience. This only makes it easy for you to keep track of how they interact with your company and their behavior in your specific niche. 

Email Marketing

Email marketing works and will continue to be a reliable form of long-term marketing that goes past SEO, thanks to the endless lists you can build over time. Of course, how you send your emails counts as much, and marketing automation platforms can back you up in this regard. 

Lead Generation

Every business aims to have a continuous inflow of leads. Marketing automation solutions give you more control to do so. 


Customers are attracted to messages that they feel are made solely to help address their problems or appeal to their exact interests. 


Web analytics point you in the right direction and, more importantly, allow you to make effective, timely decisions. With the help of automated reports, you can do this minus the usual hassles and in a relatively more optimized manner. 

Content Marketing

Content counts the most, but it can get hard to create and deliver the ones that will rightfully appeal to various customers. With eCommerce marketing automation, content marketing becomes naturally more dynamic. 

Social Media

It’s just as vital to maintaining a solid, steady presence on social media. Of course, this requires consistency, and marketing automation provides just that by bearing most of the burden of publishing content for you.  


Customer relationship management systems will always be a pivotal part of any digital marketing campaign because it involves fundamentals such as trust-building and communication. With the right automated solutions, you can make the process all the more seamless and hassle-free.

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Automate Your Business Right Now

Set up automation in motion so that you can return to growing your business. Get assistance with Marketing Automation from Dot Com Infoway to take your company to the next level.

All the Solid Reasons Why Businesses Need Marketing Automation

Decreases Staffing Costs

Marketing automation software is primarily designed to lessen the burden on human staff as much as possible. With a reduced need to fulfil regular, manual tasks, this readily translates to marked resource-saving that can be felt across the board. 

Boosts Revenue

This is a ready benefit that almost always arises out of the quality leads you can get with the help of the right marketing automation strategy. Personalization also lends itself to this advantage. Both pave the way to better conversion rights and CLFVs, after all. 

Improves Accountability

Most B2B marketing automation solutions make sure that potential weaknesses in the automation process would be identified and improved as soon as possible thanks to the feedback systems they have in place. 

Mitigates Errors and Maintain Consistency

Human intervention is often tied with these errors, so this perk shouldn’t be a surprise. What’s even better is that it also goes hand in hand with consistency. 

Improves Marketing as a Whole

After all, you get to take care of your communications and lead nurturing more effectively. It’s equally easier to boost overall customer experience. 

Strengthens Scalability

Let’s face it, it’s hard to craft different versions of an email message just to target a specific customer. Automation makes these steps easier to scale. This is especially helpful in marketing automation for small business, where the primary focus is growth. 

Enhances Customer Tracking

You’ll only end up wasting plenty of human resources if you rely on them solely for tracking users and how they behave over time. What’s even better is that marketing automation tools allow you to do this on a more granular level.

Makes It Easy to Consolidate Efforts

If you’ve been lost in marketing for your startup due to a lack of organization in your general marketing activities, this can be especially beneficial. Again, this goes back to the all-in-one nature of most automation suites. 

A Few Tips to Get You on the Right Path

Be specific when identifying your business’s needs.

Which of the benefits and features we mentioned above will your business get the most value from, given its present state? You need to be specific because this is tied to the third important point in this list.

Strive to Learn More About Your Customers

Mobile app marketing or any kind of marketing, really, requires you to deeply understand your audience. Knowing their distinct attributes and interests allows you to pinpoint the steps you need to take, which your prospective automation software may be able to handle more efficiently for you.

Work with the Most Suitable Platform

Since not all marketing automation software solutions are created equal, we cannot emphasise this enough. Hence, Think before choosing the automation platform.

Strategize & Take Action

These two go together since, one, your methods can’t remain static and, two, plenty of marketers fall into the trap of learning and planning but never really implementing them.


Marketing automation’s perks can be equivalent to a magic bullet if you find the time to know how to harness them to the fullest. At best, it all ties together to one thing: knowing the vital areas in your process that will benefit the most from the features offered by automation software available to you. That being said, don’t hesitate to discuss your needs with your chosen digital marketing agency or service.

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