Effective SEO Tips for Startups to Rank your Website #1 on Google

Effective SEO Tips for Startups to Rank your Website #1 on Google


SEO has evolved and continues to evolve over time to provide the best content for search users worldwide. Along with this evolution comes nuances in how organizations should do search optimization. There are proven, more effective SEO Tips for Startups, for example, which are backed by a reliable Digital Marketing Agency.

Suffice it to say, it doesn’t hurt to know more of these guidelines if you want to master digital marketing for startups. Let’s begin with why SEO is vital for your budding company in the first place.

seo tips for startups

Why Focusing on SEO Is a Must for Every Startup?

It’s not really so much about startups as the fact that almost any company needs search engine optimization, regardless of its size. It’s just that small businesses arguably need it more. 

Why SEO is important for small businesses? Consider these stats:

  • In 2022, Google has exactly 85.55% of the search engine market share. That number hasn’t really budged that much in more than a decade. 
  • Google searches can reach up to more than 6 billion per day. 
  • 61% of marketers consider SEO as their top priority for inbound marketing. 

Now, let’s discuss every reason behind most of these stats and why implementing effective SEO strategies should be a default step for every startup:

  • A Powerful Type of Marketing

“Powerful”, of course, is a fairly broad term. What is its context for small business SEO

Let’s say you’re a cleaning service or are running a freelance writing business. There’s virtually no other more reliable way to raise brand awareness and acquire leads in a significantly faster and cost-effective manner than with the help of SEO. 

  • Infinite Possibilities Thanks to Lower Costs

Does the wide reach readily paves the way to more and more possibilities that stretch out to infinity? Well, considering the cost-effective ways you can boost brand awareness, earn leads and get conversions through organic (virtually free) traffic, the answer is a resounding yes.

This is precisely why in a list of top digital marketing strategies, SEO is bound to stay on top.

  • Valuable Source of Consumer Behavior Data

Almost any relevant and pertinent activity that users do online, whether it’s while interacting on social media or content shared on websites, can be tracked. This stream of data often reveals the trends that, in turn, can be used to improve any online marketing strategy. 

  • Budget-Friendly Scalability

Who says scaling your business has to cause a lot? If you play your cards right and be mindful of recent SEO strategies, you can enjoy growth even on a budget. 

Even if it’s not quick, SEO imparts the ready advantage of leveling the playing field for everyone. You can use low-cost methods like encouraging user-driven content, doing video marketing, etc. to scale your SEO endeavors. 

SEO Strategies That Shouldn’t Be Absent From Your Arsenal

Next, let’s dive into the first part of the main course: the basic SEO Tips for Startups. If you already have a cursory knowledge of SEO, some of these may already be familiar to you. On the whole, the key lies in how you’re going to implement the said strategies.

  • Aim to Target the Most Profitable Keywords

The best keyword research practice is always to first separate the wheat from the chaff. Since you’re still starting out, you don’t want to target high-competition keywords yet. 

The sweet spot often lies in balancing the keyword’s profitability with search volume. This is why any expert eCommerce marketing agency will advise you to focus on long-tail keywords first with LSI keywords considered. 

  • Keep Your Metadata Optimized

Your post’s metadata through the title, description, and slug keeps the information about your content organized and at the same provides you with an opportunity to target your main keywords.

  • Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

A bulk of organic search traffic now comes from smartphones. You’ll be losing out on rankings if your site isn’t optimized for mobile-friendliness. What’s good is that most themes nowadays already anticipate this, so in the end, you have to be more careful with the themes you choose. 

  • Be Mindful of Schemas for Snippets, People Also Ask, and Ratings

Google actively encourages using schema for sites because it helps in structuring data. 

On the other hand, don’t miss out on the opportunity to rank for questions by answering the ones that appear on the People Also Ask section of the SERPs. Lastly, having ratings (usually positive) on posts also helps in ranking.

  • Acquire Effective Backlinks

Look for sites where you can share a guest post and link out to one of your pages. Issue a press release for various notable events and activities on your site. Moreover, don’t overlook acquiring local backlinks from business directories and news outlets. 

  • Promote on Social Media

As most marketing services for startups will advise, boosting your site’s social media presence and PPC in digital marketing should always with SEO. Not only do you gain extra traffic but can communicate with your customers quickly and effectively, too. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest remain great platforms for this. 

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With our SEO services, you receive a custom approach and world-class technology that are flexible for your startups. We focus on generating conversions for our clients to succeed in SEO.

Startup-Centric SEO Tips

This second part is more concerned with advanced SEO Tips for Startups. We suggest you pay closer attention to them to build a solid foundation for your fledgling company. 

  • Focus on Your USP

You want your brand to stand out as much as possible, so it’s only right to hone in on your unique selling proposition. In turn, this allows you to present something original to search engines. As we all know, they can’t get enough unique content. 

  • Write Long-Form Posts

This is always included in most SEO tips for small businesses because as far word count goes, the more you can maintain content quality along with word quantity, the better. You only need to look at the word count-to-ranking ratio of most sites to see this. 

According to Ahrefs and Backlinko, the average word count for all websites on the first is 1,447 words. 

  • Try Guestographics

These are infographics that you create that you in turn write a guest post about. Reach out to websites that are, more or less, talking about the infographic’s topic. 

  • Bank on Comparison Keywords

People like to compare things and this manifests in the keywords that compare one product, software, or company to another, etc. This way, you’ll be able to help them directly and create highly original content simultaneously. 

  • Internal Linking

B2B content marketing agencies vouch for this because it organizes your content and eases the transition from one related page to another. Linking all your pages and posts also helps search engines understand what they’re about. 

  • Pillar Post Strategy

Best startup marketing campaigns regard this as powered-up internal linking. You essentially create a pillar/parent post that you will then link to more detailed posts that discuss the topics you’ve outlined in the former. This transfers the pillar page strategy “rank juice” to the said posts, in turn. 

  • Video Content

Some branding services opt to focus on videos when helping businesses raise brand awareness because of their immense potential in boosting engagement through storytelling. Creativity rules in this.

Keep in mind that over 50% of people watch videos every day.  


We hope that these two-sectioned SEO Tips for Startups have enlightened you about what basic steps you need to take going forward and how to create a results-driven startup marketing strategy. For any startup app development company, it would be helpful to provide enriched projects to their customers. If you’re still a little lost, you can always rely on SEO Services to get going.

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