Facebook Launches New Translated and Localized Global Pages

Facebook Launches New Translated and Localized Global Pages


Facebook announced the launch of new Global Pages for brands yesterday. Facebook described it as a new structure that would provide a localized experience for various global brands.

Facebook Launches New Translated And Localized Global Pages

The framework of the page includes one URL, one global brand identity and options for global insights. Now, users from all countries can see the translated page of their brands. The page will also include the fan count and People Talking About This (PTAT). Brands can now direct users to the best page version by including a single URL in all their other campaigns. With an easy-to-view dashboard, admins can now view insights of various global users. This structure goes well with brands having one single page with geo-targeted page posts, and also with multiple, country-specific pages.

“Every month people from around the world engage with their favorite brands on Facebook. Today we’re excited to announce Global Pages, a new structure that provides the best, localized experiences for a brand’s customers, available to all brands working with Facebook”, said Kelly Winters, Product Marketing Manager of Facebook in the official blog post. “With this new structure, Facebook users will be directed to the best version of a Page based on the country those users are in, enabling them to see localized cover photos, profile photos, Page apps, milestones, “about” information, and news feed stories from Pages—all while remaining part of the global brand community.” she added.

It was also announced that later this year they will include an API for country-level fan counts for all pages. This will enable brands to calculate the market value by keeping track of the number of fans in each country.

Facebook now allows the global community to share their likes for the same product. This social media marketing feature will enable brands to internationalize easily.


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