Best Ways to Make your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out from the Crowd

Best Ways to Make your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out from the Crowd


Social Media plays an important role in this world of technology, & LinkedIn has become an essential personal branding tool. LinkedIn gives people an opportunity to show the professional world who they really are by showcasing their professional talents. However, most people don’t use this social platform unless they want to truly stand out to potential clients and employers. Investing a little time, thought, and effort will go a long way in creating a profile that stands out in a crowd and gets you noticed. The generic, plain black and white text only profile won’t turn many heads. Do more than just fill out all the lines, make your profile Technicolor by pulling out all the bells and whistles to show future clients all your professional talents and abilities.


Add Multimedia

Let’s face it, people would rather look at images or watch a video instead of reading plain black and white text. Use this well-known fact to your advantage and make sure your profile has plenty of relevant images, videos, powerpoint presentations and other forms of media to showcase your talents. Don’t forget to provide links to your online videos too. If blog posts are included in your profile, make sure they are accompanied by images.

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Show Proof of Your Credentials

Most people’s profiles include a long list of their credentials; This is standard. However, credentials stand out so much more and are far more impactive when they’re displayed in the form of recommendations, endorsements, and awards you or your company have won. They all speak volumes in terms of your professional talents and accomplishments. Your profile should include an account of your professional accomplishments but be sure to include praises that come straight from the horse’s mouth; these are highly effective.

Include a Call to Action

Once you’ve put together a standout, stellar profile, invite readers to take action. Ask them to check out your website, drop you an email, or simply call you. The open invitation is a perfect way to give readers an exclusive invitation to get to know you and your professional services better. Any invitation is a powerful way to close your profile summary. If nothing more, invite readers to sign up for your newsletter or request a free white paper. These invitations act as both a link and an invitation to further build a professional relationship.

It’s not difficult to create a LinkedIn profile that turns heads and showcases your greatest talents; it just takes some imagination and creativity. Utilize every opportunity to give readers, potential clients, and employers a three-dimensional view of you and your offerings. Take advantage of everything available to you to create a memorable profile. Add as many different forms of multimedia to your profile as possible to encourage more engagement and interest. It’s great to sing your own praises but it stands out more when you can get those praises directly from past clients you’ve worked for. Include a call to action by inviting readers to explore your offerings further through a visit to your website, a newsletter, free white sheet, or a simple call or email. This extends the offer to build a professional relationship. Go all the way and you’ll see results. To get best results, make use of internet marketing services.

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