Mobile Usage & Mobile Marketing Statistics that You Need to Know in 2017

Mobile Usage & Mobile Marketing Statistics that You Need to Know in 2017


If you are operating a business in today’s economy, it is important to keep up with the latest trends. That way, you’ll remain competitive while meeting the demands of businesses based on their purchasing habits.

If you are a business owner and provide products or services to other businesses (B2B) then it’s also very important to make sure that your marketing strategies involve mobile apps, because the estimated revenue that’s generated from them is $77 billion in 2017 alone.

Additionally, 84% of small businesses that have taken the time to establish a mobile presence have indicated that they have experienced immediate and long-term results. In fact, 68% of businesses have already combined mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy. This consists of all forms of digital marketing, including advertising, sales, and branding, offering discounts and rewards points and other uses. Mobile marketing is here to stay as it already accounts for 50% of all digital expenses, (which is equivalent to $100 billion). If you haven’t taken advantage of this great phenomenon, now is the time to jump on board and make sure you get your fair share by implementing mobile marketing strategies today.


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