Top 4 Advantages of Having an Offshore Software Development Center

Top 4 Advantages of Having an Offshore Software Development Center


Having an offshore development center is virtually a good sign of a business’s continued growth, especially if you are well aware of its benefits on your enterprise. By the same token, for many startups, it can even be considered as a way of setting up your business for success. And these are but some of the reasons why it is a fairly popular model being adopted by many of today’s businesses.

Of course, that is assuming your ODC partnership is well-planned before you decide who to work with. After all, it goes without saying that, like any other business model, it is not without its challenges. But as long as you establish a solid relationship with your offshore partner, the advantages you can gain are very much worth all the budget and effort you will take in creating and growing the ODC.

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As for what these specific advantages are, you need not look further than the ones we have outlined here.

Offshore Team Benefits

  • Relatively Great Reductions in Cost

The main pull of an offshore development center for a lot of companies is the sheer amount of money they can save by having a solid ODC. Imagine having no need to relegate expenses on setting up business facilities, equipment, utilities, and developing a communications team. These will all be taken care of by the offshore provider, which also already has a ready team available to work with you.

That said, this also readily translates to greater savings in terms of salaries. You do not really have to pay the provider’s team at the same rate as the one in your home country, after all. Rather, there are substantial differences in the salaries you need to pay (which is often always lower). And you get to enjoy these benefits even if your business’s own in-house development team.

  • Makes Autoscaling Easy and Always a Possibility

Autoscaling is valued by a lot of IT companies because it is a measure of how fast they can adapt to the resource demands of any project. This applies both ways, by the way, for projects that require more resources and vice versa.

Without autoscaling, the performance of a business’s IT department almost always suffers. This is often the case if you rely solely on your in-house development team, and part of the reason why is the innately more complicated process of handling resource allocation within your company. An offshore development center will always have a ready team available to which you can relegate plenty of tasks, so high-quality performance can easily be maintained in the long run.

  • Seamless Sharing of Knowledge and Technical Support

Offshore team benefits also shine a lot in terms of knowledge retention. After all, one obvious advantage of working with an ODC partner is that they are often very willing and open to sharing their knowledge throughout the course of a particular project. This is a very good example of how more is always better for businesses, at least, when it comes to the IT teams that work for them.

For one, you will have plenty of people to look to or ask support from, if it so happens that a particularly challenging technical issue arises as the project is progressing. The fact that plenty of offshore development center teams employ well-qualified personnel with great experience and expertise only makes it all the more necessary for businesses to consider partnering with an ODC.

The IT department often requires companies to develop a team composed of professionals with highly specialized skills. This, obviously, hinges a lot on the varying demands of any given project. One other evident upside of working with an offshore development center is that you really get your money’s worth in knowledge and skills, which can also be imparted to your in-house team. That is practically a win-win situation for any organization.

  • Reliability and Punctuality Are Pretty Much Guaranteed

Considering the undeniable quality of the ODC’s dedicated team, any project you decide to take and work with together will be undertaken in conditions that are usually very optimal for smooth progression. And why not if you have an individual company with a very reliable team?

Also, having more people to work on the project also means you are less likely to have delays in completing projects. Being unable to make deadlines never bodes well for a lot of businesses. With the help of an ODC, you get to streamline the entire work process. In fact, it would not be a surprise if the ODC provider will have a ready project timeline to present to you from the outset. Again, this time-saving benefit is rooted in solid collaboration between you and the offshore development center.

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Other Pointers on How to Choose a Good ODC Partner to Work With

Opt for those who are willing to maintain an open line of communication with you. Good communication is always the key to enriching and stimulating an excellent partnership. All the better if you can ensure there is no language barrier from the start.

While most offshore development providers are quick to advertise their knowledge and skills to you, make it a point to confirm the technical experience and expertise of everyone in the ODC’s team. Taking the time to do so will only let you. But, oftentimes, the provider also imposes their own performance metrics and standards. It is for this reason why, at best, you really should be mainly looking at the company’s profile and feedback from past clients when gauging their quality and ensuring the confidentiality of the information you share with them.


There is no question that an ODC is pretty much essential for most startups and enterprises who want to really optimize their operations and assure topnotch performance every time. It all falls to simply having more competent and qualified people you can rely on, for virtually less money. For any savvy business owner, that is most assuredly a done deal. And the fact that that offshore development centers are enjoying such immense popularity only proves this point further.

That said, if you have been having qualms on starting out on partnering with an ODC, then we hope that these facts have convinced you of their value for your business. Simply keep the pointers we shared and stay focused on its proven tricks to help you overcome the usual challenges.

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