What is Digital Marketing and How Does it Work? The Complete Guide

What is Digital Marketing and How Does it Work? The Complete Guide


What Stops Businesses from Succeeding on the Internet?

There is an assortment of reasons why your business on the Internet might be facing hurdles and challenges. These hurdles and challenges can be strategically countered but for that, you need the right tools, the right resources, in-depth knowledge, and experience.

Listed below are some of the primary challenges faced by your business on the web:

  • No search engine visibility or very poor search engine rankings
  • Poor conversion despite better search engine rankings
  • No direction in social media marketing and social media engagement
  • No knowledge of your core target market
  • High competition
  • Very low brand awareness
  • Poor quality content
  • Why do you face these challenges?

A typical customer journey goes through the following stages…

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Comparison
  • Purchase
  • Experience
  • Engagement
  • Brand loyalty

Your digital marketing strategy needs to be customized according to different stages of the customer journey and this is where Dot Com Infoway excels. We can create digital experiences for your prospective customers and clients for every stage of the sales funnel, and even beyond that.

We can help you

  • Get a website that reflects your brand
  • Improve your search engine rankings
  • Establish an engaging brand presence on social media
  • Implement a communication strategy to constantly keep your prospective customers and clients engaged
  • Implement a content marketing strategy to increase inbound traffic
  • Manage your email marketing campaign
  • Track and manage your online reputation

digital marketing guide

Digital Marketing Strategy Will Result In

  • Better conversion rate
  • More targeted traffic
  • More Leads
  • More sales
  • Better customer retention
  • Stronger brand loyalty

By the end of the day, all that matters is how many leads your website generated and how much business you got. The rest is just supplementary.

How to Craft and Implement a Digital Marketing Strategy You Need to Your Business?

There is no standardized template for digital marketing services. Of course, there are tried and tested tactics, methodologies, tools, resources, and practices that, when implemented well, always give results, but every business has its own needs and we will be tailoring your digital marketing strategy around those needs.

Spend ample amount of time understanding your business and processes and the dynamics of your target customers and clients.

It is highly important to gain insights into how your target customers and clients behave, what sort of information they consume, what needs they have vis-à-vis your business, and what patterns they follow before they decide to purchase.

Within the perimeter of this information, create the blueprint for your digital marketing strategy and then start implementing it in various stages.

A digital marketing strategy once outlined, isn’t written in stone. It is very dynamic just as the Internet is dynamic. Along the way, make many changes according to new observations. Digital marketing is an evolving process.

  • Get more leads.
  • Increase your sales.
  • Consolidate your brand loyalty.

The Bundle of Digital Marketing Services Includes

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Responsive Web Design and Web Development
  • Brand Journalism
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Video marketing using YouTube and other video streaming channels
  • Online and PPC advertising
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Online Reputation Management

Search Engine Optimization

Improve your search engine rankings for all your important keywords. Rather than guesswork, use advanced keyword research tools to first find out exactly what people are using to find businesses and services in your category and then optimize your individual web pages for those keywords. By combining web analytics and high-quality content, you can get to top rankings on the first page of search results.

Responsive Web Design and Web Development

Every website must seamlessly scale according to the size of the screen and design a website that will look awesome on PC/laptop as well as mobile phones and tablets. Through web development process, build dynamic websites and cloud-based applications for your business that will work equally great on desktop browsers as well as mobile phones.

Brand Journalism

Your brand needs to be in news on regular basis. Whether you need blog posts, social media updates or press releases, keep your target audience talking about your brand on an ongoing basis.

Email Marketing

Despite being one of the oldest marketing forms on the Internet, email marketing is still one of the most effective forms. Build your own mailing list and improve open rate and response rate of your individual email marketing campaigns. And design killer email layouts and write effective content that people will love to receive regularly.

email marketingSearch Engine Marketing

Improve your search engine visibility with an advantageous mix of marketing and optimization. Through search engine marketing strategy, improve your SEO and bring down your advertising costs.

Social Media Marketing

Every business needs to be active on social media because most of your prospective customers and clients are there. Social media users don’t trust conventional advertising. You need to engage them. You need to provide them valuable and entertaining information regularly so that they take notice of your brand and remember you. Strike up conversations and build a responsive social media presence.

Social Media MarketingVideo Marketing Using Youtube and Other Video Streaming Channels

According to a Cisco finding, by 2021, 80% of all consumer Internet traffic will constitute of video content. An Internet marketing study has established that these days 64% consumers make a purchase decision after watching a video. Build a video presence on YouTube and other video streaming channels.

Online and PPC Advertising

Don’t want to wait for search engine optimization? Would you like to receive targeted traffic from day one? Then online and PPC advertising is a great option for you. But, without experience and guidance, you may feel as if you are throwing money into a well. Optimize your online and PPC advertising campaigns and drastically bring down your cost.

pay per clickMobile Optimization

More than 60% of first-time Internet users access the Internet from their mobile phones. Even search engines like Google have shifted their SEO strategy towards “mobile-first” policy, which means, they will rank mobile-friendly web pages higher than conventional web pages even if both the web pages contain the same quality of content, from 2018 onwards. Effectively put your business in front of mobile users through mobile SEO and mobile search marketing.

Online Reputation Management

Bad news on the Internet spreads like wildfire and once it has spread, it is very difficult to douse it. You need to have a strong presence on the Internet. You need a competent agency to track your reputation on the web round the clock and help you respond in case it is under attack. Always monitor your online reputation and take corrective measures in the hour of need.

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