Top 10 UI Trends to Get Your App Ready for 2019

Top 10 UI Trends to Get Your App Ready for 2019


The mobile user interface (UI) refers to the system-controlled elements that are displayed on the screen and used to interact with the device. As a successful company, you are not only supposed to focus on new technologies but also make sure that you are ready to face new challenges in advance.

When creating a mobile application, a company is not certain that it will give good results compared to other established companies like Airbnb and Amazon Research. Statistics show that about 60% of mobile applications end up not being downloaded and even out of the 40% of the downloaded ones, 21% of them have only been used once in 2018. The main reason why most apps end up not being downloaded is due to the fact that they don’t have intuitive User Interface which is a crucial thing that most people look for.


It is due to this major reason,that an adept mobile app company should see to it that it updates it’s application time to time so as to stay relevant because there is stiff competition in the mobile applications world In order to make sure that a company stays competitive and in the top position, it can apply some of the following latest trends.

1. Using Functional Animations

As 2019 is approaching, since animations are a crucial part of the UI designing process, designers should ensure that they use more communications and functional animations so as to symbolize images, catches, and fonts.

functional animations

They should make sure that they put more focus on coming up with decent and simple patterns for the UI designs. We will observe more changes and additions that will be primarily done to this feature in the form of micro-association, which will make this feature even more interesting.

2. Making Sure That You Use the Overlapping Impacts Wisely

The use of overlapping in colours, illustrations, and fonts is one of the mobile app designs that will continue to be outstanding coming 2019. This will not only provide a feeling of space but also embellish the UI design.

ui overlapping effects

As a matter of fact, this component is being used widely by most app designers. It would even be better if designers went an extra mile and combined this feature with that one of shadows as this would enhance the UI designs even further and make the function better and more competitive.

3. Swiping

Swiping came as a game changer when it was brought in 2012 by Tinder when it came up with an app that was almost completely based on swiping. Mobile apps have since then grown to introduce even more interaction since many apps have made swiping the main feature.

ui swiping

Swiping is being used by designers to replace the delete button in messaging and in mail apps in 2018. Music applications too have added it as a feature to change music swiping makes your app clean, and navigation becomes easy when a user is navigating between web pages, so, making this feature more interactive would enhance the UI in 2019.

Swiping is a very engaging feature so if it is well designed in a more interactive way, it could make an app scale higher in the competition.

4. Flawless Design Interface

This is a crucial feature that should be top on the list when it comes to trends. A company should aim at providing a perfect mobile application that provides the greatest experience to its target audiences.

ui design interface

Designers should make sure that the page loads comprehensively and the user is in a position to access the page’s content just by looking at the first page. This feature, though in prevalence for some time now, is going to be an integral factor in designing great UI.

These annual changes help in promoting the brand of the mobile app hence attracting more users, which is a significant benefit.

5. Implement the Illustrations That Are Customized

One of the trends that will continue to dominate in 2019 is the interface (custom-illustrated) that gained fame in 2018 as a UX/UI fashion trend. The design of the app is like illustrations, as it offers several shapes, styles, and figures to the mobile app.

ui customised

This helps in making the mobile application more appealing and have an identity that is unique and distinct. This is an excellent trend if implemented as it can help make the mobile app face the competition in the mobile app word quite well and stand out even more.


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6. Utilizing the Full-screen Background Pictures

As years are going by, a new trend that is in a position to appeal a high number of audiences instinctively has been made on the forefront. This UI design component comprises full-screen background images when using any unique rendered specifications or a particular model.

full-screen background

This feature has the potential to make a user more engaged and hence making him/her spend more time browsing through the available different pages. This feature works its magic since it makes the user feel more refreshed when going through the various splendid images.

7. Adopting the Self-explanatory Illustrations

Trends have changed, and gone are the days when one would engage the users with content. These days, many methods have emerged that are used to illustrate the functionalities and features of an application.

Self-explanatory Illustrations

Going for the storytelling technique with the use of meaningful videos and images is one of the best ways to illustrate an app’s features and functionalities. In fact, designers should depict characters that are human like to ensure a productive interaction with users. By doing this, the app would be more competitive and vibrant.

8. Use of Dynamic Colors Intelligently

It is quite obvious that color plays a great role when it comes to UI design. Actually, designers can use colors as a major tool in exhibiting their designing skills and level of creativity. Colors serve almost the same purpose as background images.

ui gradients

This is because they tend to invoke the emotions of the users by catching their attention. It should be noted that even big players in the application market such as Instagram and Snapchat, keep revamping the color combinations in their apps so as to ensure that they change the mood of their users.

So, as a company that is proficient, you should not be left behind when it comes to this feature and ensure that you enforce it in your app as it even helps to set the artistic tone of the app which is a great plus.

9. Opacity

Adding the opacity feature is one of the major assets that designers can use to boost the User Interface of their applications to surge the transparency of the application.

opacity in ui

This feature enables the user to set up varying transparency settings like illustrations or the color so as to achieve a vibrant glass surface for the interface segments of the app. It is actually used to design the logos of applications too.

So, as designers get their apps ready for 2019, they should focus on how they are going to set the elements of opacity and see to it that they get the best out of it at the end of it all.

10. Establishing a User-interface Assisting Voice

As we come to 2019, voice-assisted interfaces are becoming a very important trend in the mobile applications world. It is more like Siri where a user is required to sign in a voice-actuated app and wouldn’t have to enter security key after that.


This feature really helps a mobile application stand out and make it unique as it is not common to find such an application, so if designers worked on making the feature more interesting, this would do wonders and would win more users come 2019.


To conclude, the mobile application development process is evolving as time goes. The UI trends of mobile applications will keep on being updated with the latest technology in the mobile applications world.

There are many trends that designers can use to get their apps ready coming 2019, but if they can adhere to the ones we have discussed, this would lead to them getting much better results and impress many users.

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