Yearly Archives - 2017

Effective Strategies to Promote Video Content

After making all of the necessary investments to strategically develop great content for your next video, the next important step would be to develop digital marketing strategies to promote your video. However, many business owners completely gloss over this...


Advantages of Using Swift for iOS Apps

App developers have found a new programming language for iOS app development and are singing a new tune. Apparently Swift is a much safer, easier, and more effective platform to use than Objective C. App developers consider Swift a...


Virtual Reality: How it Impacts Web Designing

Virtual reality is the long-awaited dynamic that many people thought would take the world by storm, affecting everything in its path. However, this simply didn't happen; not until now that is. Virtual reality is set to affect many different...


Importance of Voice Search & Their Impact on SEO

SEO continues to be a buzz word when it comes to making things happen on the internet. The way people conduct searches is a dynamic that impacts SEO greatly. With voice searches stepping in as an additional dynamic, the...


How to Market Your Startup on a Tight Budget

Most business owners tend to find the financing they need to launch their new startups and get it up and running. But when it comes to marketing their business, that's where some business owners tend to shy away. But...


6 Tips to Build a Killer iPhone Apps with UI / UX Design

Design principles provide the backdrop of useful guidelines that can be used to develop iPhone apps that are more effective and predictable, greatly improving both UI and UX. Following design principles or heuristics can provide a solid roadmap for building...

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