Infographic: Mobile App Development Trends 2020

Infographic: Mobile App Development Trends 2020


Right now more than 5.1 billion people all over the world are using mobile phones in one way or another. The mobile technology is taking long strides. But there are many other spheres of technology that are developing with great speed and all these technologies are leaving a strong mark on mobile phone technology. This is why, the ancillary technologies are shaping up not just the mobile app development process, but also how consumers interact with their individual mobile apps. How is mobile app development going to change in 2020? What are the trends? Why do we need to keep a finger on the pulse of these trends? If you want to work with technology, you need to know about technology. You will know where the technology is heading by this mobile app development trends infographic.

Take for example artificial intelligence. AI is making its presence felt in every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to making our interactions with technologies more meaningful, less costly and more effective. For example, 87% of retail businesses are using AI to improve sales and provide after-sales service. AI is definitely going to shape up the mobile app development industry in 2020.

AI services heavily depends on machine learning. The more the machine is able to learn, the smarter is the AI. With greater processing power and more data to save, mobile apps are going to be powered increasingly by the capacities of the devices on which these mobile apps are being used. These and many more technologies are being discussed in the infographic given below. Mind-blowing statistics and revealing data are going to give you a sense of where the trends of mobile app development are heading in 2020.

Mobile App Trends 2020 - Infographic

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We are a leading mobile app development company that creates scalable and interactive mobile applications. Our creations can amplify the level of user experience to meet any specific business requirement.

Mobile app development is a powerful tool that can help an organization achieve its objective with high standardization. This year is barely over yet the mobile app development trends that will dominate 2020 are already crystal-clear.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Businesses are using Artificial Intelligence to automotive tasks, marketing analysis, sales and even solve complex health problems.

  • 87% are using AI for sales
  • 49% of consumers are willing to shop more frequently
  • 34% will spend more money
  • 47% of digitally mature organizations said that they have defined AI for mobiles compared with non-mature
  • AI market is projected to become a $190 billion industry by2025
  • Global spending on cognitive and AI are expected to reach $57.6 in 2021
  • 85% of pioneers agree that they are in need of AI strategy
  • By 2020, 30% of companies worldwide will be using AI in at least one of their sales processes

The Use Case for Artificial Intelligence:

  • Increase data security through an intelligent security system
  • Financial trading
  • Marketing personalizations
  • Improved online searches

2. Machine Learning

Machine learning is a process in which the computer uses historical data, identifies patterns and then makes decisions based on those patterns.

Companies are becoming rapid adopters of machine learning,

  • 49% of organizations reported that they were looking into deploying machine learning
  • 51% claimed to be early adopters
  • 15% are sophistical users
  • By 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be handled without humans.
  • Netflix saved $1 billion in 2017 by using machine learning and still it maintains its quality at a higher level

The Use Case for Machine Learning :

  • Process automation
  • Sales optimization
  • Customer service
  • Security

3. Internet of Things

  • Global market for IoT which was valued $190 billion in 2018, is forecasted to reach $1.11 trillion by 2026
  • IoT has the potential to generate $4T to $11T in economic value by 2025
  • The industrial internet of things (IIoT) market is predicted to reach $124B in 2021
  • The IoT in Banking and Financial Services market size is expected to grow to $2.03B by 2023
  • Consumer electronics will account for 63% of all installed IoT units in 2020
  • The global healthcare IoT market will be worth $158B in 2022
  • The global IoT in retail market is projected to grow to $35.64B by 2020
  • The global IoT in the Education market size is expected to grow to $11.3B in 2023

The Use Case for IoT:

  • Asset tracking
  • Help to analyze consumer behavior
  • Empowering smart device applications
  • Trimming down operating costs

4. Blockchain Technology

  • Blockchain solutions are expected to grow from 1.5 billion in 2018 to an estimated 11.7 billion by 2022
  • 26% of Companies Plan on Investing Between $1 Million and $5 Million in Blockchain Technology
  • 32% of Companies are currently in the Development Stage of Blockchain Projects

The Use Case for Blockchain:

  • Supply chain management
  • Digital identity
  • Asset Tokenization

5. Wearables

Wearable tech has been around for a while now, and their popularity is still rising.

  • The wearable market is promising, as the number of connected wearable devices worldwide is expected to jump from 526 million in 2016 to over 1.1 billion in 2022, while the telecom technology changes from 4G to 5G.

The Use Case for Wearables:

  • Smartphone extension
  • Payment
  • Security

6. On-Demand Service Apps

The development of on-demand apps is flourishing in the food and grocery delivery industry.

  • 86.5 million Americans (42% of the adult population) have used an on-demand service
  • 45 Million Americans (22% of the adult population) have offered services based on on-demand service apps.
  • 51% of those who offered services in the on-demand economy admitted that their financial situation has improved

The Use Case for On-Demand Services:

  • Transportation and travel
  • Food delivery
  • Logistics

7. Medical & Retail Technology

  • In 2024, the total medical technology revenue, globally, is expected to be nearly 600 billion U.S. dollars
  • Industry outlook predicts that demand for medical devices in major regions will increase until 2020
  • In 2020, retail marketers will spend $33.12 billion on mobile ads
  • 84% of consumers believe that retailers should do more to integrate their online and offline channels

The Use Case for Medical & Retail Technology:

  • Tracking staff, patient and inventory
  • Enhanced drug management
  • Online Medical Consultation App
  • Addressing chronic disease
  • Feedback on marketing decisions
  • Adding value to the retail transaction
  • Technology-enabled shopping

8. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

That AR and VR prove themselves as “game-changers” is already proven. A lot of people love the sheer immersion both can give.

  • The current value of the AR market stands at $3.5 billion. By 2020, there should be 1 billion augmented reality users
  • 67% of media planners and buyers want AR/VR ads in digital marketing campaigns
  • AR revenues will surpass VR revenues by 2020
  • Augmented reality users fall into the 16-34 age group

The Use Case for AR & VR:

  • Data visualization
  • Revamping retail
  • Better warehouse operations
  • Design and prototyping

9. Chatbots

  • Chatbots help you respond intelligently in an almost lightning-fast manner to queries.
  • More than 67% of consumers worldwide used a chatbot for customer support in the past year
  • 85% of all customer interactions will be handled without a human agent by 2020

The Use Case for Chatbots:

  • Improve user retention
  • Streamline social media activity
  • Online customer support

10. Mobile Wallet

Mobile wallet presented through apps make stock market trading, investing, and transacting very convenient for almost any individual.

  • Mobile wallet use is higher in Asia and especially China
  • Mobile wallet users in the US will exceed 61 billion in 2019 and it will reach a higher level in 2020
  • The worldwide mobile payment revenue in 2015 was 450 billion US dollars and is expected to be 1 trillion US dollars in 2019 and its level of reach will be higher in 2020

The Use Case for Mobile Wallet:

  • Merchant payments via contactless technologies
  • Digital access to loyalty schemes
  • Quick monetary transactions

Mobile app development has many advantages such as it secures your app data, offers high efficiency, improves customer-relationship. So the need and importance of mobile app development will be increasing every year to make our lives simpler, efficient, and hassle-free.

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